While diamonds are the most popular choice for engagement and wedding rings, people are still unaware of the options they have in terms of colors. Many prefer a colorless diamond that sparkles, but there are fancy-colored diamonds that actually look stunning than the colorless one.
So, do you know how many colors diamonds come in? Take a look at these various colorations that diamonds have.
The various diamond colors
After the diamond cut, the color of the diamond is the second most crucial characteristic you need to consider when shopping for a diamond in the jewelry stores in Albuquerque. Diamonds form naturally in different hues. The color of the diamond imitates the vibrant variety of the world’s colors and here are the most popular shades.

This color comes from a rare deformation in the structure at the atomic level that causes light to bend. The largest and the famous red diamond weigh 5.11 carats, and it is known as ‘Moussaieff’. Also, it is said that there are only 20 to 30 red diamonds across the globe. Unlike other fancy colors, red diamonds are made from carbon just like colorless diamonds. It is graded by the intensity of their color and range from dark pink to purplish red. The stronger the color you choose, the greater the value of a diamond.

It is another rare member of the diamond family and is formed with the presence of boron in the diamond. Pure blue diamonds are incredibly rare than pink, and orange. And the notable part is, majority of blue diamond’s contain a secondary shade - particularly grey or green. The famous ‘Hope Diamond’ is the earliest known blue diamond and one of the world’s famous jewels.
So, do you know how many colors diamonds come in? Take a look at these various colorations that diamonds have.
The various diamond colors
After the diamond cut, the color of the diamond is the second most crucial characteristic you need to consider when shopping for a diamond in the jewelry stores in Albuquerque. Diamonds form naturally in different hues. The color of the diamond imitates the vibrant variety of the world’s colors and here are the most popular shades.

This color comes from a rare deformation in the structure at the atomic level that causes light to bend. The largest and the famous red diamond weigh 5.11 carats, and it is known as ‘Moussaieff’. Also, it is said that there are only 20 to 30 red diamonds across the globe. Unlike other fancy colors, red diamonds are made from carbon just like colorless diamonds. It is graded by the intensity of their color and range from dark pink to purplish red. The stronger the color you choose, the greater the value of a diamond.

It is another rare member of the diamond family and is formed with the presence of boron in the diamond. Pure blue diamonds are incredibly rare than pink, and orange. And the notable part is, majority of blue diamond’s contain a secondary shade - particularly grey or green. The famous ‘Hope Diamond’ is the earliest known blue diamond and one of the world’s famous jewels.

This pretty shade owes to two factors, i.e. seismic shock and immense pressure. Natural pink diamonds are rarely found in nature. Besides, pink diamonds only accounts for a fraction of 1% of the total production of the diamond. Pink is such a lovely color for a diamond; it is worth the price.

Black diamond really creates a ‘Wow’ factor. They are among the most popular color of colored diamonds and have been in high demand over the last decade. Every woman would love to have at least one piece of black diamond jewelry.

The orange tint is caused by the presence of nitrogen in its composition. Orange color diamond is considered as extremely rare compared to the other fancy shades of diamonds. It symbolizes courage, energy, and enthusiasm.
There you are, hope you are amazed at these different diamond shades. Whether you are looking for a piece of diamond jewelry or jewelry repair in Albuquerque, choose the best shop that helps meet your requirements.
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